As opposed to it's predecessors, the quests are almost completely created by hand and have no time-limit on them although it can happen that other stalkers already completed the quest if the player waits to long. Talking to NPCs, fulfilling quests, exploring the different areas, finding powerful artifacts and shooting stuff - the usual. The player is put right in the middle, looking through the eyes of Major Degtarew with total freedom to do what he wants. The zone and it's inhabitants still have their own lives with stalker, bandits and mutants roaming the three different areas of the game both on the ground and underneath.
The second stand-alone-addon S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat puts the player back into the zone - this time after the end of the main game and with a completely new character. To find out what happened, the Ukraine Intelligence sends Major Degtarew disguised as a stalker into the region east and southwest of Pripyat and ultimately the eastern part of the ghost town itself. But although the five helicopter-pilots had a detailed map with every anomaly on it, they crashed. After the destruction of the brain-melter by Strelok, everyone in the zone is pushing towards the reactor - even the military. Not an American user? DescriptionTwo weeks have gone by since the end of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.